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Sunday, 10 December 2023

Hire an accounting analyst for gross profit calculations

 Hire accounting analysts for calculating gross profit as per your requirements

Profile: accountants and computer engineers available all over India with Turbodata training to help CFOs with the following problem

Problem statements:

For calculating the cost fo goods sold we use the formula: opening stock value+purchase value-closing stock value.

Thereafter we calculate the gross profit.

Use the accounting analysts to help and calculate the cogs at perpetual  level across unlimited companies, 

unlimited branches and across the complete historical time frame.

Issues with the ERP valuations:

a.) The purchase value is normally calculated with ledger parent 'purchase accounts', excluding order entries. However in the schedule 3 balance 

sheet entries the CFOs and CEOs like to exclude the following entries also:

i.) Delivery notes and receipt notes

ii.) Stock journal entries(this calculation shall also include for dales entries)

iii.) Branch transfer details(a firm could have multiple companies or multiple branches. Stock transfer between them needs to be excluded)

iv.) Purchase of capital goods.

v.) Rate differences(this is included in ledger masters)

vi.) If the company is using cost centers with branches then the solution needs to be configured accordingly.

Similar calculations are to be done for closing stock value with the sales accounts.

Why use our accounting analysts:

a.) The accounting analysts shall come prepared with the software module(with and without database) on site

b.) The reports shall be automated and tamper proof(a critical requirement for many CFOs)

c.) The product will have features row level and filter level contexts and ledger and item heirarchy flattening

d.) The CFO and CEO can dictate how the solution is to be configured.

what else would the analyst do?

a.) Based on the custom calculations the analyst shall help adjust the MRP entries in Tally/other ERP.

b.) Help automate the distribution of MRP details to various internal and external stakeholders in the ERP

Why can't a normal accountant do this job?

a.) Normal accountants are trained only in Excel

b.) Large data limitations

c.) Routine tasks for the accountant

d.) Reliance of the accountants only on the numebrs given in the ERP

e.) Profitability is not a priority for the accountant

Number of companies that have implemented the solution: more than 15

Automation of profit and loss statements:

Usage of vlookup and sumproduct in Excel:

Sumif(Excel to DAX):

Row level and filter level contexts:


Time intelligence:

Blogspot link: 


Running  sum problem for inventory valuations:

Weighted average valuation:

Batch wise analysis:

Name: Apoorv chaturvedi



Monday, 4 December 2023

A discussion on current ratio for schedule 3 and schedule 6 returns

Problem statement: here we look at the liquidity ratios and how the CFO and CEO needs an accurate guidance regarding the same. We shall also look at the variations that we have had in our projects regarding the calculation of various liquidity ratios. The sample case is for service industry. For other industries inventory needs ot be taken into account.

2.) We shall also look at how to calculate the liquidity ratios automatically using the product.

 Current ratios are normally calculated using the following formulae: current assets/current liabilities. For the same we use the trial balance extract using the product for unlimited companies.

Trial balance extract shall be through the extract 'Ledger Balance'[matching with the Tally object name]. The added methods for the extract are for ledger heirarchy flattening.

Simple current ratio is calculated by using the level2 in our product module(after ledger flattening) for current  assets and current liabilities

1.) Variation 1 by CFOs and CEOs: Many a times the current assets have a large portion of sundry debtors. These sundry debtors could have a large account of receivables.For accurate calculation these CFOs and CEOs desires that based debts be taken out.

For the same one needs to go to level 3 and other entries at level 4 and beyond need to be taken out.

Method of finding the bad debts:(Bill payable and bill receivable and ledger flattening)

2.) Handling wrong group entries for the current assets and current liabilities: many a times the group heirarchy in the source system or the Excel report needs to be changed. The same can be handled through ledger flattening.

3.) Cash ratio: for calculating the cash ratios we look at the cash balances specifically with the ledger group of 'current assets' The cash balances shall include cash-in-hand and all the bank accounts(the bank od accounts are part of the current liability).

Fitting the current assets in the schedule 6 balance sheet:

Inventories is closing stock-opening stock

Trade receivables shall correspond to Sundry debtors(level 3)

Cash and cash equivalents shall correspond to cash-in-hand and bank accounts level 3

Short term loas and advances shall correspond to Loans and Advances(level 2)

In this way  we have a better understanding of current ratio and filling up the sschedule 6 portion of the balance sheet.

Name: Apoorv Chaturvedi



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