Showing posts with label ledger optimization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ledger optimization. Show all posts

Saturday, 10 March 2018

Turbodata Ledger Analytic Module Sales Partnership

M&N Business Intelligence India LLP is looking for sales partners for its ledger analytic modules.
The ledger analytic modules help the end clients optimize the following:
·        Cash availability
o   Perpetual valuation of ledger balances help at the following:
§  Calculating the Asset turnover ratio based on daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly basis.
§  Calculating the accounts receivable and accounts payable ageing on a historic basis. This calculation can be done on a daily, monthly, weekly, quarterly and yearly basis.
§  Development of hypothesis based on the above two findings
·        Optimizing the cash flow availability by predicting the accounts receivable/accounts payable ageing :
o   ‘The Goal’ by Eliyahu Goldratt believes that the variances are the causes of varying cash balances(and hence increased working capital requirements) rather than simply the averages. Turbodata helps the end client with the same using the following methodology:
§  ARIMA(Auto regressive integrated moving average analysis) is built into the same for single(level), double(trend) and triple(seasonality) exponential smoothing.  Each client shall get the solution as part of the offering. The ETL team has embedded predictive analytic modules within the product.
·        Automated GST filing: since the ETL team is extracting the complete ledger details. The ETL team shall be able to offer automated GST filings along with its services.
Why Turbodata?
Free Business Intelligence Component: Due to data compression and sql reduction enabled by data consolidation and data normalization, the Business Intelligence component for the end clients could be largely free. Once can download the sample Power BI dashboards from the link attached herewith:

The methodology to download Microsoft Power BI is given in the following link:

·        Connectivity to databases:
o   Tally: within a period of 8(eight) hours the entire datawarehouse shall be populated. Two day project(Rs. 30,000/- or USD 600/- )[Data auditing and data profiling to be handled separately]
o   SAP: within 15(fifteen) fiscal days the datawarehouse shall be loaded.(15 day project: USD 4000/-)
o   Navision and other ERPs: within a period of 30(thirty), the ETL team shall be able to load Turbodata.(approximate cost: USD 3000/-)
·        Co labelling/proprietary labelling of the solutions is possible: the partner can label the solution in its own brand and sell the same.
·        Cloud based option is possible with Tally and SAP: commercials can be discussed separately.
·        Prior companies that have used/using  Turbodata: Tableau, EY, SAS
      Systematic workflow for implementation for the ledger analytic module.

The data load comes with comprehensive data capture, data cleansing, data consolidation and data entry errors.

For connectivity of your database to the Turbodata, please contact the following:
Name: Apoorv Chaturvedi
Phone: +91-8802466356

     FOR FREE MICROSOFT POWERBI DASHBOARDS: please do one of the following:

      Email: or go to  landing  page

Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Applying Yavakrida’s learnings in Business Analytics(taken from ‘The Mahabharata’ by C. Rajagopalachari)

In ancient times there as a sage named Bharadwaj. He had a son named Yavakrida. Although been learned, Bharadwaj was not well known. Yavakrida decided to become the best Vedic known scholar of his time. He set about to do heavy penance. His penance shook the heavans. Indira came to him and said that he was impressed with Yavakrida’s penance. However in order to gain knowledge of Vedas, the pupil shall need to study Vedas. Yavakrida still insisted that he should get knowledge of Vedas through penance.

One day Yavakrida was going through the forest. He saw a Brahmin adding sand into river. Yavakrida asked the Brahmin what is the brahmin up to. The Brahmin said that he was trying to build a bridge over the river. Yavakrida said that in the manner the Brahmin was working all the sand would flow down the river. Adding sand to the river was not the right way. Lord Indira appeared and said in the same way studying the Vedas and not penance is the right way to learn Vedas.

May all of us learn from Yavakrida’s learnings.  
In case you desire to have correct data for your reporting purposes, please see the following blog link:
Correctly consolidate data from multiple companies using the right way:

File your GST taxes in the right way:
Optimize your inventory handling the right way:
Optimize your ledger balance accounts the right way:

Happy Holi!!

Apoorv Chaturvedi


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