Friday, 19 January 2018

Ledger analytics/Ledger analysis

Ledger Analytics

Problem statement: a number of firms use periodic statement for ledger analysis(monthly, quarterly and yearly). In such a scenario these firms loose the day by day and transaction by transaction history of ledger balances. This information is required for the ageing analysis, in depth accounts receivable analysis per ledger. As an example, consider the following:

The above snap shot indicates the ledger balance on any fiscal date by partyledgername and ledger name(the group name is a roll up). From the daily ledger balance, the end client should be able to extract the trial balance, balance sheet and even profit and loss statements.
As an example consider the following snap shot:

Because of keeping the ledger balance history, the end client is able to find the cash balance as of the given fiscal date. Thereafter it has been able to capture the cash balances on a monthly, yearly, quarterly basis as given below:
Monthly report:

Daily Report:

Pre requisites for achieving the same:
The historical ledger balances need to be calculated and the closing ledger balance on the current fiscal date shall need to be matched with the ledger balance on the last day of the ledger balance history table as given below:

Alternatively the debit and credit balances need to be matched as given below:

The process replicates the ledger balancing related with bitcoins.

For achieving the same the end client needs to do the following:
The ETL team would be also able to offer Business Intelligence and predictive analytics services along with ledger analytics.

Ledger analytics is also related with GST filing.

Further case studies for consolidation of data can be seen from the following link.

Apoorv Chaturvedi


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