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Thursday, 8 February 2018

Why Turbodata GST?

Inspired by 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing: AL Ries

Based on the above philosophy, the following are the reasons one should look at Turbodata GST as a GST filing solution.
·         Law of Focus: The end client should have one word embedded into customer’s mind. In such a scenario most of the end clients have Tally embedded into their minds for GST filing. Turbodata GST matches the numbers with Tally GST reports to give customers peace of mind and satisfaction.
·         Law of opposites:
o   Turbodata offers cloud based GST filing system while Tally offers desktop/server based GST filing system
o   Turbodata enables faster, easier and more convenient data upload facilities than Tally ERP 9.0.
o   Turbodata offers historical data correction automatically for GSTR reports while in case of Tally the end client shall have to re file the offering.
o   Turbodata GST can work with multiple ERP systems and is extremely scalable.
·         Law of Ladder: Tally has top of mind recall for the customers for accounting accuracy. Turbodata GST team recognizes the same. It matches the GSTR reports with those of Tally GSTR while making it easier and more convenient than Tally to file GST taxes.
·         Law of Mind: Tally stands for accuracy while Turbodata stands for speed matching with Tally numbers. Turbodata GST offers GST filing services matching with Tally ERP 9.0 for any ERP.

For other details regarding the GST filing, please consider the following page linkage:

Name: Apoorv Chaturvedi

 For GST filing services, do the following:
Or fill up the contact form on the website

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