Monday, 10 June 2024

Increase your prospects by using our inactive customers report


There is a need in the current times to increase the number of prospects for the sales resources. Getting new prospects is a very tedious and time consuming job.

However a company is likelier to get business from its past customers than prospecting for new customers.

It is in this regards we have added ‘Inactive customers’ reports to our mobile app.

Why use our solution:

·         The data is stored on the Azure cloud. So it is extremely secure

·         The Tally data has been converted to DAX for extremely fast analysis. One can get mobile apps and dashboards with high complexity with very low refresh and reload times

·         The solution gives the ability to edit the dashboards on the cloud itself

What is the purpose of this report?

·         Identify those customers whose last transaction dates have been more than 90 days from the current fiscal date.

·         Identify the important and the less important customers based on the closing ledger balances. These customers have been segregated into the following categories:

o   ‘A’ category customers are those customers that form the top 25% of the ledger balances. We assumed the ledger balances as a criteria since we wanted to include all the historical transactions.

o   ‘B’ category customers are those that are between 10% and 75% of the total cumulative ledger balances

o   ‘C’ category customers are those that are in the bottom 10%.

The report also gives the rank of the given ledger by the historical balances.

A quick word regarding ABC classification:

·         The ABC classification has been done based on the historical voucher inventory analysis. Any partyledgername associated with the parent vouchertypename ‘sales’ in the historical analysis has been included in the list. This we could include both sundry debtors and sundry creditors in the list.

·         Once the ABC classification was done we identified the entire inventory movement by sales for the given set of items f the given partyledgername as under:

This report run by a slicer would straight away give the important items sold to the given partyledgername on a historical basis.

The same action has been replicated for B and C category partyledgernames.


Top A_category partyledgername: this customized report gives the top 10 partyledgernames  for the ‘A’ category(partyledgernames) and the values of the associated stock items as given under:

How to use the given report?

a.)    Identify all the A and B category party ledgernames by using the Turbodata-Powerbi module

b.)    Within each partyledgername identify the top items sold to the given party. Identify the items to be prospected for with each given party.

c.)     A customized mailing solution from Turbodata is also available for the end clients.


How to access this report:

a.)    One can access the given report using the following login features:




Password: Bhaiya80$


Deployment process:



How to go live for your company:

·         Contact Turbodata team for a customized tcp. Turbodata team needs the Tally serial number for the given firm

·         After the tcp has been loaded then the syncing between the client Tally machine and the Azure cloud shall take place through the secure Microsoft gateway for each individual account(details to be given by the M&N BI team)


Other features of the product:

a.)    The solution uses $$Loopcollobj functionality from Tally. That implies that all the loaded companies shall be extracted from Tally ERP 9.0 for the purposes of analysis

b.)    The analysis has also been done across all companies

c.)     One can edit the apps and the dashboards using the Azure edit functionalities

Cost of the solution per year : The entire mobile app for the end client costs Rs. 15000/-(fifteen thousand)+GST for the end clients

Price validity: 15th June 2021.


Contact details:

Apoorv Chaturvedi


Phone: +91-8802466356


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