Wednesday, 5 June 2024

Scheduling in SSIS


                                             SCHEDULED PACKAGE IN SSIS TOOL

The SSIS packages can be automated and scheduled with SQL Server agents.

The method that we have used for automation is through the use of SQL Server agent.
Schedules the job by running sql server agent job and the same is shown below.

After creating the job define the name and go to step , specify the field inside new keyword.

In job configuration, set the properties optionally click ok to save when executing the package manually.

In the next step we can opt action on the time of success or failure of the job inside the advanced page. When the job executes successfully by default it go to next page otherwise quit the job and report at the time of success or quit the job and report at the time of  failure. Likewise on the failure action by default quit the job and report the failure when the errors occurs otherwise go to next page or qiuit the job and report the success.

Retry attempts is used when job jails due to some reasons such as network connection problem.When connection works properly retry all the attempts again.

In the next step schedules the execution time of package we can opt one of the schedule type like recurring which is used to execute periodic events or we can choose one of these three options also according to task requirement. Set the frequency of the job occurs like weekly,daily,monthly and hourly.

Sql server agent fires an alerts on an event and response to that event .sql server agent can monitor performance and windows management instrumentation events .
Alert  willll be raised on the basis of multiple conditions like severity level,message number,WMI events.

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