Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Tally automation-automating the ledger vouchers and sales reports


Giving the monthly summary of the ledger Vouchers report for the sales entries.


Contact us for Tally spreadsheets automation

Name: Apoorv

Email: support@turbodatatool.com;support@mndatasolutions.com



Marketplace: https://www.indiamart.com/mnbusinessintelligenceindia/



The end client requires ledger vouchers view for all the partyledgernames associated with the sales entries.

That is the client is requiring a summary of ledger vouchers for each of the rolling months. 1-aug-2024 to 30-Aug-2024


The client format is as follows


We first handle the sales row.

The Tally api sales register extract is as follows:






<ID>Sales Register</ID>











The sample output is as follows:
















·         Need python coding to set the svfromdate and svtodate(to one year)

·         Lack of flexibility in the Tally api output

·         Single company only

Implementation in Power BI through json api:

a.)    Unlimited companies

b.)    Flexibility in time granularity if required.

Column added for sales in DAX(sundry debtors debit amount):

debit_amount_debtors = 

var masterid1 = 




            Ledger_view[IsoptionalLedger] = "No" &&

            Ledger_view[Iscancelled] = "No" &&

            Ledger_view[Isvoid] = "No" &&

            Ledger_view[isactive_vouchertype] = "Yes" &&

            Ledger_view[Affects Stock new] = "No" &&

            Ledger_view[LedgerPrimary] = "Sales Accounts"


        "MasterId", Ledger_view[MasterId]


var masterid2= Ledger_view[MasterId]





    var c= CALCULATE(SUM(Ledger_view[SaleAmounDebit])-SUM(Ledger_view[SaleAmounCredit]),FILTER(ALL(Ledger_view), Ledger_view[LedgerPrimary] = "Sundry Debtors" &&


    /*&& Ledger_view[IsoptionalLedger] = "No" &&

            Ledger_view[Iscancelled] = "No" &&

            Ledger_view[Isvoid] = "No" &&

            Ledger_view[isactive_vouchertype] = "Yes" &&

            Ledger_view[Affects Stock new] = "No" &&

            Ledger_view[LedgerPrimary] = "Sales Accounts" */

            && Ledger_view[MasterId] in masterid1))


return c


For the collections we need to calculate the credit amount for all the partyledgernames associated with the given sales entry.


Solution with Tally api:














<ledgername>AAFIYA LEATHER REX</ledgername>




                                                                                <REPORT NAME="Ledgervouchers" ISMODIFY="Yes">

                                                                                                <ADD>Set : SV From Date:"20240401"</ADD>

                                                                                                <ADD>Set : SV To Date :"20250430" </ADD>


                                                                                                <ADD>Set : ExplodeFlag : Yes</ADD>








For each ledger entry one will have to get the debit amount and the credit amounts at ledger voucher level  on a  day by day basis.


















Solution through JSON api:


a.)    Unlimited ledgers

b.)    Unlimited companies

c.)     Flexible time frame.


DAX CODE is as follows:

Credit_amount_debtor = 

var masterid1 = 




            Ledger_view[IsoptionalLedger] = "No" &&

            Ledger_view[Iscancelled] = "No" &&

            Ledger_view[Isvoid] = "No" &&

            Ledger_view[isactive_vouchertype] = "Yes" &&

            Ledger_view[Affects Stock new] = "No" &&

            Ledger_view[LedgerPrimary] = "Sales Accounts"


        "MasterId", Ledger_view[MasterId]


    var masterid2=Ledger_view[MasterId]

var partyledgername=distinct(SELECTCOLUMNS(FILTER(ledger_view,ledger_view[masterid] in (masterid1)),"partyledgername",ledger_view[partyledgername_sales]))

Var creditor_amount=calculate(sum(Ledger_view[SaleAmounCredit]),filter(all(ledger_view),

Ledger_view[Name] in partyledgername && Ledger_view[MasterId] = masterid2))


RETURN creditor_amount


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