Monday, 23 December 2024

Why a Datawarehouse over transaction system

 Query from the customer

Why should I keep a datawarehouse when I already have a transaction system?

The reasons are as follows:

a.) Consolidation requirements: One could have multiple data sources from which reports could need to be developed. The data sources could be from outside of core ERP also. Here the datawarehouse could be of help.

b.) Faster seamless reporting: If the reports involve high amount of data transactions then it could put a lot of load of Transaction systems. In such a case it is best to run the queries from a different copy of the transaction system.

c.) Minimal load on the transaction system[issue of On fly calculations]: many source systems use parametrized reports for generating the output. For generating consolidated analytics one could require the complete details. For example complete ledger movements in Tally are there in Ledger voucher reports. To get the output of each ledger one has to send the ledgername as a parameter in the ledger voucher report. Say there are 500 ledgers then we would have to hit the ledgervoucher report 500 times. One would require to hit the ledgervoucher report only once. For the same coding the business logic of the software could be required in the datawarehouse.

d.) Increase in number of users accessing the reports: many a times the reports need to be seen by large number of end users. One cannot do so over the transaction systems as it can lock the transaction system. The same needs to be done on a datawarehouse.

e.) I am already using the cloud based viewing platform, why should I use a datawarehouse: If one is using a cloud based datawarehouse[using google query and other technologies] then the following are the scenarios for using an on premise datawarehouse:

  • Need for security


  •   Need to consolidate data from multiple data sources
  • Need to give greater number of users access to information: the users could be internal and external
  •  Need for developing customized mobile apps and report applications
  •  Lower and more predictable costs: one does not have to pay per user basis. 

What are the cloud based datawarehouses: there are examples like snowflake, googlequery and many others.

When should I use  datawarehouse?

If one is having more than 15 power users for reports then one should start thinking of using a datawarehouse.

What are the cons of using an on site datawarehouse?

  • A certain fixed costs are involved
  •  Trained manpower including IT personnel might be required.

ROI of a datawarehouse? This is slightly tricky. The ROI needs to be calculated as follows:

a.) Saving of time in consolidarion of sheets

b.) Reducing the manual errors in spreadsheets

c.) Enhanced operations efficiency -this needs to be calculated differently

d.) Enhanced benefit of getting the right information to right people quickly.

For more benefits of the usage of the datawarehouse

Name; Apoorv Chaturvedi


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