Problem statement: App developers have synced the initial data from Tally. Now incremental data is to be captured. Here we discuss the approaches for transactions and masters for the same. We would also look at how the datawarehouse can help reduce the incremental times by more than 99%.
Load through odbc: in case the application works through odbc then one would need to do a full extract each time since the odbc represents a full snapshot. There are more than 160 odbc extracts in Tally. Hence the process of incremental extract would need to be handled in the following manner:
a.) Nightly load
b.) Load over the fortnight.
Load through xml: Many developers like to sync the reports directly through the xml. Complete voucher extraction could put in a lot of load on the system. Hence it is recommended that the extraction of the voucher be done on a day by day basis(
Difference between ledger vouchers and voucher register: It is to be noted for the developer that the complete sales movement is captured in the ledger vouchers(drill down from the sales accounts in Tally to ledger vouchers). Voucher register gives movement by voucher types[including inventory movements] and hence it could exclude the journal movements.
Ledgervouchers is a parameterized report by svcurrentcompany, svfromdate and svtodate.
Voucher register is movement by vouchertypes only[including inventory]. The sales numbers in the voucherregister might not match the voucherledger movement(all required movement types).
Alternatives for the developer:
a.) Extract the profit and loss report by using the following xml-sample has repeatvariables also.
Thereafter based on the year month selected drill down to the required voucher based on lledgerprimary. Alternatively based on the svfromdate and svtodate and company name the request can be sent to Tally to retrive the required sales vouchers:
sample xml code added.
Here ledgername is the input parameter.
Bottleneck: to extract the voucher (from which voucherledger report is extracted) one could need to extract the same on a day by day basis so that Tally does not hang. The same process of synchronization could take a lot of time.
Process of reduction of execution time:
we recommend using a datawarehouse and using the event based activities in Tally to capture the changes in transaction and masters( This will capture the changes as the entries into the voucher or the entries into the masters are happening.
Note: RAM of atleast 16 GB is required.
Internet connection needs to be always on[else synchronization could not happen]
Concurrancy impact would need to checked. If there are a lot fo developers then we need to check the load on the datawarehouse.
The onsite cost of hosting the data onto the database also needs to be checked.
Our recommendation would be to load the data onto a desktop tool like Powerbi or desktop database like sql server and then sync with the mobile app.
Can event based activities be used with xml export: as far as we know the same cannot be done with the usage of embedded tdl code.
Contact us for a demo.
Name: apoorv chaturvedi;
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